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PNB MetLife Century Plan

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PNB MetLife Century Plan
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A participating life insurance plan that helps you achieve your dreams Provides the right opportunity and secures your future with lifetime cover along with income till the age of 100 years. Ensure second income for your retirement years and build a strong legacy for future generations by taking PNB MetLife Century Plan. The investment team of PNB MetLife is of high reputation and known for its stellar performance in delivering high returns to its customers. Most of our equity funds have delivered returns exceeding the benchmark returns and 99% of our equity funds are rated 4 or 5 stars by a reputed rating agency – “Morning Star”. During premium payment under Super Income option for PPT 10 and above in PNB MetLife Century Plan A minimum cash bonus of 10% of the annual premium is guaranteed. At the rate of 5% for PPT less than 10 and a minimum cash bonus at the rate of 30% of the annual premium is guaranteed for the fixed income payment period under the Future Income option when the Family Care Benefit option is not opted, and a minimum cash bonus at the rate of 10% of the annual premium is guaranteed. As you grow up, your family grows and your responsibilities also increase. You dream of a house for yourself, traveling the world, worry-free retirement years and much more as you think about the future of yourself and your family. However, life may not go as per our plan and its uncertainties may force you to compromise on your dreams. But, PNB MetLife Century Plan gives you a golden opportunity to fulfill your dreams. By sticking with this plan you will definitely be protected from future risks. We can be free from unnecessary worries and live a carefree life. There are multiple income options available in PNB MetLife Century Plan such as – Super Income, Smart Income and Future Income. With PNB MetLife Century Plan Get income and security until age 100 Terminal Bonus 3 (if declared) with lump sum premium withdrawal on maturity Leave a great legacy for your future generations Option to accumulate survival benefits and withdraw part or all of them Get Guaranteed Cash Bonus (if declared) @10% under Super Income Option and @30% under Future Income Option 1. Ensure that survival benefit continues to be paid even after the death of the life assured and no future premium is payable after death along with family care benefit. Protect your financial needs even in retirement or in the comfort of your life. Enjoy the convenience of accumulating survival benefit payments and withdrawing them as needed. Secure second income after retirement There are multiple income options available in PNB MetLife Century Plan – Super Income, Smart Income and Future Income. What are the product benefits of PNB MetLife Century Plan? death benefit The death benefit will be equal to the following and will be payable in lump sum: Sum Assured on Death, plus; Earned cash bonuses, if not previously paid, plus; Simple Reversionary Bonuses accrued less the sum of all fixed income already paid (if applicable), Interim Cash/Simple Reversionary Bonus (if any) Plus Terminal Bonus on Death (if declared) Sum Assured on Death will be defined as higher of the following: Basic Sum Assured (BSA), which is the full sum assured paid on death and is defined as 10 times the annual premium. Sum Assured on Death will be defined as higher of the following: Basic Sum Assured (BSA), which is the full sum assured paid on death and is defined as 10 times the annual premium. The annual premium is multiplied by the death benefit multiplier (please see the product brochure for the death benefit multiplier table). Death benefit will not be less than 105% of the total premiums paid till the date of death. family care benefits If the Family Care Benefit option is opted at the inception of the policy, payable in future, in the event of death of the insured All premiums (if any) will be waived off. On death the sum assured will be payable as a lump sum and all future survival benefits and maturity benefits, as defined, will be paid to the nominee. The policy terminates with the payment of the death benefit, except in cases where family care benefit has been opted. For the policy opting for family care benefit, the annual premium used for survival and receiving the benefit on maturity from such policies A guaranteed rate of deduction will apply to cover the additional cost of mortality that may arise. Please see terms and conditions. maturity benefit This product offers the policyholder the option to choose the maturity date of 80 years or 100 years. On survival of the Life Assured till the maturity date (as chosen), provided the policy is in force, the policyholder will receive the following in aggregate: Sum Assured on Maturity; Earned cash bonuses, if not previously paid; Fixed income, if applicable and not previously paid; Terminal Bonus, if declared. Sum Assured on Maturity is defined as the sum of all annual premiums paid during the premium paying period plus additional benefits mentioned under the Additional Benefits section in the sales brochure, if applicable. survival advantage On the survival of the Life Assured, provided the policy is in force and all due premiums have been paid, the following benefits will be payable: Option 1: Super Income – Cash bonus (if declared) will be paid from the first year or first month, depending on the income mode selected. Under this option, the cash bonus (if declared) payable during the premium paying period will be subject to the minimum guaranteed cash bonus rate mentioned below. PNB MetLife Century Plan is an individual, non-linked, participating, savings, life insurance plan that offers the benefits of both insurance and investment. This plan offers life insurance protection even up to the age of 100 years if you wish and thus is one of the most popular plans offered by PNB MetLife. This scheme is available in various options like Super Income Option, Smart Income Option, Future Income Option and others. The eligibility criteria to purchase PNB MetLife Century Plan are as follows: parameters eligibility criteria minimum entry age for 30 day old baby maximum entry age Can be taken till the age of 60 maturity age 80-100 years (whatever you want to define) premium payment period From 5 years to 15 years, as per your convenience Benefits of PNB MetLife Century Plan Some of the benefits of purchasing PNB MetLife Century Plan are listed below: PNB MetLife Century Plan offers life insurance protection till the age of 100 years. Thus, with this whole life plan, you can be assured of protection for a lifetime. Through Family Care Benefit – The nominee can get the survival benefit even in case of unfortunate death of the policyholder. Since this plan offers income option, you can secure your post-retirement life with PNB MetLife Century Plan. The plan also offers the option to pool all the survival benefits and use them for payment as and when required. PNB MetLife Century Plan also offers the option to choose from three different income options. So, depending on your life insurance stage, You can choose a desired income option. The three different income options available are Super Income Option, Smart Income Option and Future Income Option. Policyholders also have the option to choose the mode of survival benefit payment. You can choose between annual, semi-annual, quarterly or monthly. Can choose income payment frequency. On the other hand, policyholders can also choose the payment date as per their choice. With PNB MetLife Century Plan, policyholders are also offered a death benefit. This means that if the policyholder dies unfortunately, A fixed amount is paid to the policyholder as death benefit. You can also add multiple riders such as Accidental Death Benefit, Critical Illness Rider, etc. to further enhance the benefits of the plan. However, these riders are available at some premium. You can also save on tax as per Income Tax Act 1961 by taking this policy. The entire amount received from this policy is tax free. PNB MetLifeShatabdi Scheme - Various types of bonuses are also offered with PNB MetLife Century Plan like reversionary bonus, terminal bonus and a few more which means that Along with the normal benefits, policyholders are also given the benefit of additional bonuses. PNB MetLife Century Plan also acts as loan collateral. This means that you can use this scheme to get loans from various financial institutions. This plan is designed to systematically save and protect you from unexpected and unfortunate life events. This scheme also offers you guaranteed returns. PNB MetLife Guaranteed Future Plan ensures that you are able to definitely meet the financial goals in your life, while also giving you complete control to customize your plan as per your various needs. Thus, if you want the benefits of both insurance and investment under one plan then PNB MetLife Century Plan is one of the best investment plans in the field of life insurance. Feel free to choose for yourself and your loved ones - PNB MetLife Century Plan.